When you’re looking for Christmas décor from the Holy Lands, nothing speaks authenticity quite as well as olive wood ornaments or an olive wood nativity scene. Authentic Bethlehem olive wood comes directly from the pruned olive trees in the region, many of which date back to the time of Jesus. Some of the oldest olive trees still exist in Bethlehem and Jerusalem, where olive wood carving was perfected and then passed down from generation to generation, preserving the Biblical heritage and spiritual significance to Christians all over the world.
The olive tree remains in Gethsemane where Jesus prayed the night of his crucifixion. For centuries, it has reminded all who pass by of Jesus’ suffering, death, and resurrection. When celebrating his birth, today’s families can own olive wood ornaments that can be passed down from generation to generation, creating traditions revolving around authentic olive wood from the Holy Land. And what could be more inspirational at Christmas than an olive wood nativity carved from genuine Bethlehem olive wood?
The richness and texture of this olive wood is unparalleled and will add an extraordinary touch to your own Christmas season, as well as to others’. Giving gifts of olive wood ornaments or an olive wood nativity will bless everyone on your Christmas list with unique and meaningful keepsakes that welcome a touch of the Holy Lands into their holiday season.
Christmas 2014
In the News "Bethlehem's olive wood carvers. As Christmas tourists begin to arrive in the city, craftspeople are hoping that a difficult year will end well." Read full article from Aljazeera.